Business & partnership - can and should you start a business with your partner?

Get insight and read Julia's article, where she is sharing her lessons learned on the topic of business & partnership
Get insight and read Julia's article, where she is sharing her lessons learned on the topic of business & partnership
Read another article from fuckluckygohappy which was created in cooperation with us. Here it is primarily about how you can sell your offer to the public...
We were allowed to introduce ourselves at Yogaworld and tell you more about how you can build your own yoga business these days. You can find out exactly how this works in this blog. (In German)
Together with Fuckluckygohappy team we put together three exciting posts for you. This one is about yoga and making money.
Together with Fuckluckygohappy - a famous Yoga Blog from Germany we were asking - How do I turn my love of yoga into a profession that also earns me money?
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